To Request Assistance:

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An AHI parent receiving carseats, strollers, and diapers for his children.

An AHI parent receiving carseats, strollers, and diapers for his children.


Children and Youth Assistance:

Afghan Health Initiative is proud to be a Eastside Baby provider partner to help bring much needed resources for youth and families who are struggling financial and/or experiencing homelessness.

As an EBC partner, Afghan Health Initiative is able to provide children ages 0 to 12 years old with important items such as carseats, strollers, diapers, wipes, baby pack-n-plays, bassinets, clothing, toys, books, and more.

We are also able to provide items for expecting and postpartum mothers with maternity wear, personal care goods and mother-infant support items.

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An AHI parent receiving clothing, books, and toys for her children.

An AHI parent receiving clothing, books, and toys for her children.